
Showing posts from March, 2013

Care Options 4 kids

Well, a lot has been going on.... No more Starbucks job, Massage Envy, now on to a better job COFK has a translator :) I have been working for this company for about a month now and I have been super excited and happy with it. There are always pros and cons like every job but most of them are pros :) Cons: lots of driving and they don't pay for miles :( that is a bummer and I drive to fort-worth everyday so it's a far. Pros: awesome hours, pay, insurance, 30 mins in house, only translate , no paperwork, easy, fun, kids :) Other then that, Michael and I are growing our gym, Magnessbjj :) today is our first day for adults we have been doing kids classes now for about 2 months. We hope to be moving to a different location and start advertising. Michaels job is very slow and it's very hard to grow a gym with no good income other then mine. With Michael and I, everyday more and more we talk about having a baby and that has been in my heart for a while now, I feel like it...