
Showing posts from 2012

Feeling Down....

Well a lot has been going on this week.... Massage Envy job was going good until, I got written up two times in one week. My job is VERY important to me. So getting written up is not Ok... I get very emotional about it and I feel like I'm not good enough, even though others tell me different. I have had a tough week and I'm very tired of dealing with it.. I hate to say this but I'm getting tired of Massage envy bc it seems like I can't do anything right. I have made a few mistakes and it has really been bothering me. It's hard for me to let things go. I though I was going to stay at this job for a while, but now I don't feel that is the case. In other things in my life, Michael and I have been super happy with our church and our home group. We have made great friends and have gotten to know amazing people. This past month we have been hearing testimonies and Michael and I also had to share our own. It's was amazing to tell everyone about our past and what ...

Last week at Starbucks

Well last time I updated was first day, but long story short the manager was hard to deal with and they can not work with my schedule so I need to move on. On the plus side I'm going to start working for massage envy!! Only thing is that I have to memorize a scrip and i suck at that :( but I'm sure ill do just fine. Another thing in our life is Michael and I are getting closer and closer to God we found a great church called The Village and its amazing! We have been going to this church for about a month and today we signed up for a home group that meets every wed starting next week, so we are excited to see how that is going to be :) I feel so blessed to have God in my life now, so when we have kids we can tell them all about God and make them believers too, unlike when I was growing up. Well it's getting late and I just gave Michael a massage so I'm tired and it's time for bed. Night!!

Starbucks in Tom Thumb

Today was my first day! I was super excited. I could not even sleep when I had realized I had fallen asleep my alarm went off at 4:45am and on my way to work to be there at 5:30. Feels great to have a job again but not to crazy about how much Starbucks has changed. Still getting used to the new drinks and the new register. And after working a few hours I had to do Tom Thumb training for 5 hours and it was horrible!! Took a 45 question test two times :( but glad its done and over with Now back in bed for day 2 of Starbucks morning shift. Wish me luck for my day 2 :) Night!!

It has been a while

Last time I posted I had gotten lovey ;) now she is 3months and a half getting cutter by the min. I had been feeling like crap the past two weeks but now hit back into running and have been feeling much better :) so I'm hoping to be starting to run a 5k sooner then I think. That is my goal to run a 5 k nonstop. Some day I will :) That is all for now. Wrote all of the thank you cards and will be sending them out tomorrow :) Glad to be all done with wedding stuff!!

Beagle/ Border Collie

She is the cutest little thing!!! We just got her yesterday. She is so sweet and so calm. She slept thru the night but woke up at 6 am crying so I took her out and played with her for a while. She is 8 weeks old was born on April 5th. She sleeps most of the day but when she is awake she is super hyper and happy. I can't wait to see her grow up.

Car accident :(

Well here we go again. I was waiting at a light to turn left while another car passed the intersection as a van ran a red light and smashed into her then smashed into me. It was soooooo Close to my seat. God was really looking after me. I called Loncar and associates and now waiting for the medical clinic to pick me up so I can get an X-ray on my shoulder bc I was hit on my side. I'm hoping I did not get hurt to much. We will see and I hope I get a new car out of this :)

Wedding was amazing!!

Had a great time everything turned out the way we planned and the barn looked beautiful. I'm super excited to get our pictures back but I know that will be a while from now. Right now iam laying In bed in Destin FL :) we have been here for 3 days now and we have 2 more to go :) I can't wait to go home and get my last name changed!!!!

3 daaaaaaays!!

Wow so close!! Flowers, cake prep and nails pretty much all I need to do to be done with planning :) suuuuper ready and very happy. My family from Argentina is all here and iam so happy to have them all here! I love them very much and so glad they all made it. Engagements from Stephanie should be here soon but for now we only have one :)

Only 6 days to go!!!!

So last night was my bachelorette party!!! My sister, mom, grandma, aunt Nidia, and 4 of my friends went to eat a BJs in addison. Then right after we went to Pete's Piano Bar!!! Witch was so much fun!!! I drank 2 margaritas and 2 shots and I was not tipsy at all :( I was kinda upset bc I wanted to get a little tipsy but did not work. Im sure the drinks were watered down. :( Other then that we all had a blast!!! I got cute panties and outfits! So I'm very thankful and excited about that. Only 6 more daaaaaaaays I'm so ready!! I'm ready to see my family and make this official. Michael is amazing and I have been extremely blessed to have found him. Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him .

Weddingggggg 12 days

Ok so now only 12 days to go!!! So ready for it to be here. Now finalizing last min stuff and trying a get a sexy tan :) also just waiting for family to start arriving from Argentina and California. Ones all my family is here then I will be freaking out lol. My sister will be here this Friday so very excited about that. My bachelorette party is on the 19th so also ready to do that. Ready to roll and go to the beach to relax. :)

Ranger and Engagement

I went to a Ranger game for the first time Tuesday night. It was sooo much fun and we got seats in the all you can eat section :) so I ate like crazy! I can't wait to go back to another game. Now in hooked and watching it on tv and Trying to become a fan :) Engagements with Rosana. They went well, but they turned out just like I expected, she is not a professional so I had a feeling some would be blurry. Other then that they were nice. I'm SUPER excited about the pictures Stephanie Brazzle took. We took them at a preserve in Farmers Branch. She showed us one on her camera and it looked Amazing! Looked like we were in a magazine! So I'm super ready to see how they turn out.

Saturday :)

Good Morning! I just got back from a mile run with Frank, he was trying to walk a lot today but I keep pulling him and he did a great job. Today is the day for our first engagement photos!!! Super excited they are going to be taken at the barn where we are getting married :) then we are going to talk about the music for the wedding with the owner Chris. The wedding is getting so close!! I'm not working at the time but I'm feeling very blessed and thankful to be able to say home until the wedding Is over. I'm glad I'll be able to spend as much time with my family that is coming from so many different places of the world.


We had a great easter, Michaels dad came over for lunch and after we went over to the neighbors house and had brisket. We had a great time! We are so lucky to have such great people in our life at this time. I also made some Easter cupcakes this year. Chocolate with marshmallow icing and little flowers made with marshmallows. I had a great time making them and handing them out to our friends and family.

Couples Bridal Shower

Even though Michael and I had to do most of the work, it was all worth it! We had a great time with friends and family we love. I got some good gifts and I'm very glad Michael got a few gift cards for himself :) Can't wait until my family is here from Argentina and California do we can all be together with my family.


This year we planted another garden :) We planted butter crunch lettuces, zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, sweet 100 tomatoes and strawberries :) Hope it goes as well as last years did.

So Much...

Well where to start.... Michael is not going to stay in Tennessee, I quit my job, wedding shower is getting closer, invites are out and getting rsvp's now, interviews here and there for another job, and yesterday I went to the pickle parade with Tina! So yeah a lot has been going on. Michael and I got supper stressed and could not handle being so far away from home and not knowing when we would be back home. so we up and left tennessee and came back to Dallas. So he will only be working in Dallas. It was to much to handle and it took us over the edge but very happy to be back home with out friends and pups! I quit Deford's Thursday, that was a crazy move to do before having another job, but I had to. It was getting to the point where I hated going to work and I don't think work should be like that. I did not enjoy it so it was not worth 600 bucks every 2 weeks? Now I'm interviewing everyday trying to find something that pays more and I will enjoy. Wedding shower! ...

Michael going to Tennessee :(

Well yesterday Michael got a call letting him know that there was a big storm in Tennessee, so he is going out to sell roofs there. I don't know how long he will be gone for but all I know is that I will truly miss him. We hope he gets good commotion off of this storm so he is super pumped he will be able to sell. We are hoping he sells so much that I can leave my job and go up to see him with the dogs :) that is our plan. Hope all goes well, all we have to do is pray and let God take control.

Wedding coming soon

So ready for my wedding to be here, excited, nervous, anxious but ready. Just went shopping for an outfit for our enegagment photos next month. But still don't know how I want to do my hair. We will see..... Well back to work.