Weight Loss

So the heaviest i have been is 141lbs and i have no self confidence when im that weight. I have been trying new things but the only thing that has worked for me is MyFitnessPal App just keeping track of what and how much i eat is the only thing that keeps me in check. So long story short today i weight 130lb!!!! That is so awesome!! My goal weight is 115lb that is what i was on my wedding day and i know i can do it again. Im on no special diet just making healthy choices and going for the lower calorie items. 

Fitbit! I bought one well Michael bought it for me and i love it! I wish it workes while i did bjj and Yoga but at least it motivates me to run with Tanky and get him in shape too! I hit my 10,000 steps yesterday so that was cool! And im going for 15,000 next! 

I have a doctors apointment tomorrow and labs so we will see what they say, i feel healthy and more fit so i hope they notice that and lower my steroids. Im so tired of them and i want to be done. 

MagnessBJJ is going well, we lost the wearhouse we were looking into renting but i know that when one door shuts another one opens so we are not to worries about it.

That is all for now, on to see my next kiddo. 


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